Written while Drunk on Thoughts

4 Jun 2013

25 random facts about me

While logging in Facebook for the first time in months with a mission on hand, hoping to enlarge my Empire of friends, I came across this. This was posted February 2009 and funny how things changes.

1. I love my BB atm, but thinks I might like it for a while.
2. I love my new gadgets.
3. I am wondering why is the weather so perfect when I chose to stay at home, but is always sucky when I need to go for lectures.
4. I love Starbucks a lot but try to avoid it to avoid overdose in caffeine.
5. I enjoy my double bed.
6. I still find there's novelty in having my own hoodie with my own name on it.
7. I am annoyed by the lecturer that always assume we don't understand when what we really are doing is refuse to open our mouth and answer her questions.
8. I am wondering when will it start to get warmer.
9. I am wondering when will my troubled days be over.
10.I love the story or legend or mystery about Anastasia, the lost Russian princess.
11. My all time favourite movie is from disney, the parent trap.
12. I like being left alone.
13. I finally realise how screwed up my relationships with my family members are.
14. I can stay home and not go out for 3 days straight, every week.
15. I always try to watch my diet and make sure it's healthy but failed every single time.
16. Ever since I knew that there's groceries delivery to my door step, I stop going to supermarket.This apply to every other things that was available from the internet.
17. I always freaked out about my future but was also excited about it.
18. I don't understand why sin regret taking tennis lesson, i regret stopping.
19. I am always hungry during lectures, because lectures are either too early in the morning or during meal time. Therefore resulting in me concentrating on food rather than what's the lecturer is talking about.
20.I prefer people to see me as a cool, kind-of-tough girl.
21. I used to love long fingernails, but now, the shorter the better.
22. I am obsessed with MAC, M.A.C. cosmetics, apple mac.
23. I love biographies with author that has a 'tortured' childhood.
24. I love the funeral by band of horses at the moment.
25. I still prefer One Tree Hill season 4 better than others.

Things that still stay the same
  1. I am wondering when will my troubled days be over.
  2. I love the story or legend or mystery about Anastasia, the lost Russian princess.
  3. My all time favourite movie is from Disney, the parent trap.
  4. I like being left alone.
  5. I finally realise how screwed up my relationships with my family members are.
  6. I prefer people to see me as a cool, kind-of-tough girl.
  7. I used to love long fingernails, but now, the shorter the better.
  8. I love biographies with author that has a 'tortured' childhood.
Things that changed a great deal
  1. I no longer uses a Blackberry, moved on to Iphone, I am that cliche gadget matchy-matchy person
  2. I am less shy and more eager to go out and meet new people.
  3. I no longer am attach to a single person anymore, I figure I am not in a place to get too close to someone and get upset when they leave.
  4. I always prefer older guys but the "older" just get a few more years older
  5. I used to prefer guys with dark features but is now open to any kind of features after a visit to Sweden. =)
  6. I travelled alone once and got hooked on it.
  7. I now owned a very cool vintage leather backpack.
  8. I have a tattoo that serve as a reminder that I should believe in myself more and am considering to have another one.
  9. I discovered I prefer Economics but would love to write as a serious hobby (wouldn't hurt if it earns a share of my living at the same time)
  10. My favourite season is winter because there's a kind of sombre, dark feeling about the cold.
  11. My next goal is to travel the entire Europe, preferably alone.
  12. I successfully dropped 10 kg in a year and is really confident with my body and fitness now.
  13. Jogging relaxes me.
  14. I love all things leather.
  15. The Scandinavian is no longer a dream.
  16. I discovered that I have to be less dramatic to make life easier, so obviously, I am less dramatic now because I figure life is hard enough without the drama.
  17. I am a very negative person trying hard to be optimistic.
Believe it or not, it was actually difficult to come up with 17 facts about me. These facts might change again in the (near) future, hopefully for the better. Also, exam will be over in a day time and its party all the way before dissertation hits me in the face.

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